Sales Techniques for Venue Tours

Events . 3 min

July 19, 2024

Podcast Guest

Helena Simmons

Senior Business Consultant

Sales Techniques for Venue Tours

"No matter how many customers you have, each is an individual. The day you start thinking of them as this amorphous ‘collection’ and stop thinking of them as people is the day you start going out of business." 
-Dharmesh Shah

First Impressions Matter

Think of the client's experience  - Confirm and remind them about the appointment, and send a day before SMS directly from your event management software.  Share clear directions, written and visual. Anticipate their needs, answers to frequently asked questions such as parking, access to the building, where to go, who will be meeting, and how long will this meeting take etc


When your clients arrive, make sure they feel the love straight away. A  warm welcome from your team. During the tour, let them imagine their own event, picturing how everything will flow. If there is an intimate space, jazz it up with a standard dinner setup and some fresh flowers or have the space that they will likely book with partial or full set up. Show off the venue's versatility by bringing a tablet with you with an image gallery accessible or a video loop showcasing the venue's versatility. It's crucial to avoid scheduling tours during event breakdowns, ensuring guests see the space at its best, this includes staff presentation. 


Set the Mood - Lighting and ambiance play pivotal roles, transforming the atmosphere regardless of the tour's timing. Open windows and dimmed lights create a welcoming environment, while candles and subtle scents enhance the sensory experience, elevating the overall impression of the venue.

Serve Refreshments

Indulge in Hospitality - Champagne leaves a lasting impression, adding a touch of luxury to the tour. If it’s a morning tour – perhaps a cappuccino or iced coffee offering.  End the Tour with just your wedding couple left to savor a personal moment alone enjoying a sweet treat or more if your venue offers food. When in doubt, chocolates or mini desserts enhance the experience, leaving the couple refreshed and departing on a sweet note. 

Qualify Your Leads

Personalized Approach - Prioritize understanding clients' needs and personal details shared by revisiting initial conversations. Perhaps they mentioned a friend who was married there or they asked if you are a dog-friendly venue, ask follow-up questions. Tailor your interactions to align with their expectations and preferences, demonstrating attentiveness and professionalism throughout the tour. Ask politely at qualifying where else they are considering allowing you to upsell your features against the competition discreetly. On the Venue tour never directly name a competitor. 

Know Your Product/Service

Being transparent about what's possible and what's not in the space. Make suggestions, and offer responses to what has worked in the space before based on the client's vision. Consider providing measurements and blank diagrams (offer to email or give printout ) This ensures effective planning and design, minimizing the risk of last-minute changes or unexpected fees. Clear answers and information leaves the clients in no doubt of your expertise. 

Sell What Sets You Apart

Highlight Unique Features - Emphasize the venue's distinctive qualities and values that set it apart from competitors. Showcase architectural marvels, artistic elements, or sustainable initiatives, offering a curated experience that resonates with clients seeking something extraordinary. Example  - Planning can be overwhelming, offer a sneak peek at their client portal, showcasing how seamless the planning is handled with your venue. 

Get Personal

Get to know your clients & allow them to get to know you. People buy from people they like, know, and trust. Build that relationship.  - Encourage them to visualize their wedding day within the space, brainstorming creative solutions to enhance their experience and create lasting memories. Get them talking, learn what they value  - For example, a couple who are family orientated will want to see child-friendly areas for nieces and nephews etc whereas a couple who talk about events they have been to or partying will value areas for dancing or entertainment focus.  

PRO TIP - Paint Their Picture - Literally - For example, if there is a beautiful spot that works for photos, paint that visual picture for them so they can emotionally attach to the space. Offer to take a picture at a key photo op point or an area they seem to really react to emotionally. Take the picture and offer to email it to them after - This can become part of your venue tour completed follow-up workflow. 

Turn Up the Energy

Radiate Enthusiasm: Infuse the tour with infectious energy and excitement, conveying genuine passion for the venue and its potential. Your enthusiasm is contagious and can often be the deciding factor for clients, leaving a lasting impression that transcends the physical space. 

Keep in mind that while you're familiar with this property, your potential clients may be seeing it for the first time. See it through their eyes, watch their reactions and body language to various areas or suggestions you make. Many couples give feedback on their venue choice as the deciding factor being related to the energy the team gave them, Remember, positive energy is contagious, so make sure it shines through during the tour.

Follow up 

Following up after a venue tour is crucial for nurturing relationships and closing deals. It allows you to address any lingering questions or concerns the clients may have, further demonstrating your commitment to their event's success. Additionally, it provides an opportunity to reiterate key selling points discussed during the tour and showcase your responsiveness and attention to detail, ultimately strengthening your credibility and rapport with the clients. Don't overlook offering to hold a date tentatively, offer a proposal or anticipate any possible questions they may have on the next steps. In the words of renowned wedding expert Alan Berg ‘’Assume the Sale’’

Consider a workflow within your event management software that includes automation to reduce your administrative workload. 


Mastering sales techniques for venue tours requires a blend of hospitality, expertise, personalized attention, and a genuine love of connecting with people.  By creating memorable experiences and highlighting the unique attributes of the venue, you can inspire clients to envision their event here.  With professionalism, knowledge, and enthusiasm you can turn each tour into the first of many meetings. 

"I have never worked a day in my life without selling. If I believe in something, I sell it, and I sell it hard." -Estée Lauder

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